Sunday, November 15, 2009

Which plants do best with little natural light?

I want to put some plants above my cupboards in the kitchen. Which plants will do best there, with very little natural light?

Which plants do best with little natural light?
Peace lilly (do get larger ) or violets.

Impatients are nice but may need to be replanted ever year.
Reply:Pothos would be best, I think. Sanseveria is a low light plant as well.
Reply:It depends on where you live. I like the Princess Flower for ocean areas and mild climates. Down here in the desert we have a lot of Honeysuckles and they have this really cool orange flowers and they grow like weeds if you give them lots of water. They can handle the 120 degree heat here in the summer and they are good down to freezing. Really tough plants and they can turn into a hedge if you want.

Potato Vines are cool with bluish / purple buds and will cover a whole fence if you let them.

Inside there are cyclamens. You can get them anywhere and they have beautiful tulip-like blooms and they are tough and resilient and they come from a bulb so they always seem to renew even if they appear to die. ( I forget to water them a lot)


Peace y'all.

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