Monday, May 11, 2009

Neighbor planted crown vetch and it spreads to my ground cover. How can I kill it w/o killing my plants?

I have spreading ground cover on my steep bank (can't remember the name of plant right now) but it used to look nice. I put a lot of time and money into my bank to have it look nice. Now I have ugly crown vetch growing in it and I have to keep pulling it out. I never seem to get the roots and it just spreads anyway.

is there anything I can put on it that won't kill my plants?

Neighbor planted crown vetch and it spreads to my ground cover. How can I kill it w/o killing my plants?
Where your land joins onto the neighbours put in a root barrier (available at garden centres). This will stop further encroachment.

Then, get some straight Roundup and an old small house brush and 'paint the plants that you don't want that are mixed with yours. If they are very close lay down some cardboard over the plants you want to keep to protect them while you paint the bad one. Remember you don't have to get round up on every part of the plant you want to kill it will take it down to the roots. Because it takes it to the roots you know you will eventually get all of it. Remember if you get Roundup on a plant you like immediately wash the good plant with water, it will usually survive.

It may take awhile, but you will eventually kill it roots and all.

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