Sunday, May 23, 2010

How do i make plants green when they begin to turn yellow. Like the hanging plants?

I have the plants that grow long and you can hang them and the leaves will hang down. The top part is growing in nice and green but the hanging leaves are turning yellow how do i get them to turn back green?

How do i make plants green when they begin to turn yellow. Like the hanging plants?
They won't, they will fall off! Repot the plant in a good potting soil after you cut it back. Loosen the root ball befor you put it in a bigger pot.
Reply:Spray the leaves with water. Use any kind of an old spray bottle, and soak the leaves. If they are really yellow, cut them off and new ones will come on the vine. Sounds like you have over-watered them. cut back on watering them to once a week unless the weather is really hot.
Reply:Once that part dies, you can't make it green again. Not sure if I'm right about this, but I think your plant may need more frequent watering. Also, some plant food mixed in with the water might help.
Reply:It sounds like either the hanging leaves have reached the end of their cycle and need to be trimmed off OR you need to feed it with a quality fertilizer intended for indoor plants. Check with a local flower shop or nursery which sells plants similar or the same as yours.
Reply:hi pull the yellow leaves off or cut them off and leave the rest some times yellow means over warterd
Reply:it is because they are hanging so the cells are dead and their plant cells have chlorophyll which makes them green

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