Sunday, May 23, 2010

Is anyone an expert on plants?

1. In what type of environment do plants grow best?

2. Do plants contain iron? (radish)

3. What do plants have that magnets do also?

4. Can plants grow without sunlight?

5. How do plants get their water in the dessert?

6. What are somethings that all plants have?

Is anyone an expert on plants?
1. Plants grow in many different types of environments. It really depends on what plant you are growing to determine what is the best environment.

2. Yes

3. Iron

4. Yes, but they would have to have some sort of artificial light to grow.

5. Plants in the dessert get water from the ground and the air.

6. roots
Reply:1. It varies according to the plant, eg - amount of light, humidity vs dryness, type of soil,

availability of nutrients. 2. I beilieve so, as plants do require iron for growth. 3. Not sure on this one, maybe attractants, say to insects. 4. There are some which grow without sunlight. 5. Roots and/or storage. 6.Means of reproduction, i.e. seeds, runners, etc.

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