Sunday, May 23, 2010

Suggestions for low maintance plants, ground cover, shrubs for shady Zone 5a moraine area?

I am not a gardener but I do appreciate a nice-looking garden. I have a very busy schedule which necessitates the need for low maintenance. Can you suggest a variety of plants, ground cover and shrubs for Zone 5a? I live on a moraine and most of my area is in a shady northern exposure. Ideally I'd also like to mix in a few plants that will keep away mosquitoes and other biting insects. Thanks in advance.

Suggestions for low maintance plants, ground cover, shrubs for shady Zone 5a moraine area?
There are several plants that would work and are quite hardy. First there are low junipers--andorra (has a purplish tone in the winter, and rug junipers are ground huggers. There are also yews now that will stay low with moderate trimming Some shrubs that have flowers and don't get too large (again with some occasional trimming) are purple leaf sandcherry and plum, dogwood comes with red stems or yellow and with variegated leaves, these shrubs also flower and are very hardy. Rosey barberry is very pretty but does have sharp barbs, Cottoneaster is a low grower with flowers and then red berries. Carpet roses can add some colour but do like more sun. Hostas are very good for shady areas and come in a wide variety of colours and their flowers attract hummingbirds. I hope this helps a bit, but if you go to a good garden center , they might have a free guide to plants.


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