Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What are some fast-growing plants that are more open to external influences than most plants?

The reason I ask this is because I need a fast growing plants for a science project, as well as one more easily influenced by what happens to their surroundings. I am planning on using the power of music, and observe what will happen to the plants, by using different music.

HOWEVER, I am led to believe that this project is a failure, but a science project is not so that it must not be incorrect, but to prove WHY it is incorrect.

What are some fast-growing plants that are more open to external influences than most plants?
Fast growing plants:

Clover (try a farm store - it is often planted as a fall cover crop)




On the back of any seed packet it should tell you average days til germination. Pick some seeds that will germinate in less than a week.

Any of these will sprout in just a few days when placed in a terrarium (or a pot covered with plastic with a few holes poked in it) placed on a sunny windowsill and well watered.
Reply:Just so you know...

There's actually evidence that music improves the growth of Chinese cabbage, cucumber, okra and zucchini.

"Green music" (nature sounds) seems to work best.

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