Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What happens if I accidently plant TOO MANY plants CLOSE TOGETHER??

Well . .. many require like 1ft. spacing or more. I TRY to follow directions however being kinda new at 'some' of these plants this summer, I may have accidently planted some types a few inches too close to one another.

Does this effect their growth a lot?

What happens if I accidently plant TOO MANY plants CLOSE TOGETHER??
you will have a lovely cottage garden look. next year you can dig up the perennials, and move them about if need be, but this year enjoy the beauty of the garden you have created.
Reply:no...i don't think it will effect in...in fact i just digg a little trench and start pouring seeds and my gardens always turn out wonderful and plentyful....but if you think they aren't doing so hot then pluck some of the plants....
Reply:It really depends on what type of plants. I planted iris and wild lilys and the Iris won.(they have roots or bulbs though) I prefer these type of plants because the reproduce each year making the bedding thicker and I don't have to go and buy any more.
Reply:I have the same problem with my Dahlias and it annoys me because some just develop bulbs and other will grow a metre high.
Reply:All of them will grow and some will grow healthy and some of them will die out.
Reply:yes it could give them less room to grow.. resulting in even some mutations of the plants. they wouldnt grow to their full potentials
Reply:Planting closer together than the label suggests almost always results in a better display. If you were planting in containers, the fuller the better.
Reply:my experience has always been positive. Plants seem to naturally thin themselves out. I get especially frustrated with itty bitty, teeny tiny seeds, and usually just double or triple up on them. I have also experimented with planitng excessive seeds in rows and have had no problems. My thought is that everything just wants to grow, so thats what it does.
Reply:No, it shouldnt. It really depends on the type of plants but i think that if they look like they arnt doing good, just move some of them and make sure you water them good.

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