Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How do you take care of outdoor plants in winter?

I am no expert when it comes to gardening. This spring, I accidentally locked myself out of the house and, having nothing better to do till my husband got home and let me in, I went to walmart and bought a bunch of gardening supplies, and planted a flower bed in our front yard. That one bed has progressed into pots, and hanging plants in our front and back yard, and now that cold weather is on its way, I realize that I have no idea how to take care of plants in the winter. Can I just leave them out? will they just die off and come back next spring? I can take my potted ones inside, but what about the ones in beds, are there any precautions I need to take, or will they be ok? We live in south Texas, so it should not get too cold, but it has been known to freeze here. I have various wildflowers and other garden plants in beds, Amaryllis and Calla Lilly, Impatiens, and a small Kumquat tree in pots. Is there any kind of maintenance I need to do to them over the winter?

How do you take care of outdoor plants in winter?
Kumquat tree needs to be brought in.

Impatients will not tolerant freezing temps. Bring them in or cover with plasitc or sheet during cold temps.

Wildflowers will probably come back in seed form as long as that area gets water.

Calla lilly should be trimmed low....It should sprout out during mid spring.

Amaryllis needs to be brought in or covered.
Reply:if frost is forecasted cover your plants at least with a sheet you can start now to toughen them by spraying them with 2 oz of liquid sea weed to a gallon of water do this about once a week till it gets cold this well give your plant about 5 more degrees of cold tolerance
Reply:I live in N FL-impatiens will not tolerate a frost but I have some potted ones that have been around for several years. You need to pinch them way back now and they will grow and bloom again. I have seen amaryllis in bloom in summer outside. If you have sun-a bout 4-6 hours daily in your yard there are alot of hardier flowes you can use- go to the local Lowes or Home depot and see what they have, This is a learning pricess and much of it is trial and error as each yard is it's own microclimate.
Reply:Some perennials will die off and return in the spring. You must get in touch with a garden center or go to the library and research the type of plants you have and learn what will return, what you could bring inside and what is merely an annual. Bring the kumquat tree inside for the winter. The wildflowers will no doubt return--just let them go and the birds might eat the seeds over the winter. Impatients might reseed. Amaryllis and calla lily should be dug up , kept until spring and then planted again.

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