Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why do the leaves on my tomato plants die?

My tomatoes grow large %26amp; firm, but the leaves turn brown %26amp; fall off! I have used vegetable bug spray! Could it be the clorine in my water? My other plants are fine! I plant peppers, peas %26amp; beans.

Why do the leaves on my tomato plants die?
It is possible that they are being attacked by either a virus or by a fungi. Use the website below and compare your leaves to the pictures they have to figure out what problem you have.

Reply:When it is time to pick tomatoes, the leaves will start dieing. The plant has finished its work. There are plants that grow all summer long. Ask your local nursery for these plants.
Reply:Cut the sucker leafs %26amp; fertilize with the posh %26amp; phosphate being the higher number.
Reply:aphids.. use lady bugs to eat em.

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