Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Types of plants to plant in Febuary in Ky ?

Hi all. Just wondering if you could help me find a website that tells what types of flowers and plants you can plant in febuary in kentucky. I have tryed to do searches but can't find anything at all! Not sure where to look or how I would find it.

If you know of any plants/flowers that can be planted in febuary in Kentucky please let me know! Thank's!!

Thank you!

Types of plants to plant in Febuary in Ky ?
Sure. If you can get a shovel into the ground, you can plant trees and shrubs. But that would only be trees and shrubs that you can FIND in your area.

If you order bareroot stock, you'll want to wait a bit to plant out, so you don't shock them if your temps are still freezing.

Then, in late february, if you can actually work the soil (it's not frozen), you can plant onions, garlic, all manner of lettuce seeds, spinach and other cool weather plants. You can start cabbages and broccoli inside now, and plant out in feb. Here in Ohio, I start those in feb, and plant in March, and February around here is usually steadily below freezing.

by the way...I'm planting my garlic in the next week or so. With those - as long as the ground's not frozen, it's good to go.

You could probably plant pansies and primrose, too. Those are March plantings around here, so you being south, a month earlier may be about right.

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