Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What types of plants do i need to put into a small to medium memory garden?

I am a life scout and i want to make a memory garden for my church for my eagle project and i dont know what types. i want plants that bloom year around and all so, if u have any thing to help me out with plants, ideas on how to get donations, and umm mabye advice on a memory thanks a lot

What types of plants do i need to put into a small to medium memory garden?
Cameron, the plant donations should primarily come from the church membership itself. Each family could donate a plant, depending on where your garden will be placed (shadey, sunny, or semi-shadey location). You might want to make small signs for each plant, telling people what the plant is and who it is in memory of.

At this time of year, church members could also buy some new tulip bulbs or other spring bulbs to add to your garden.

Some good hardy perennials? Daylilies, peonies, sedum, tiger lilies, asiatic lilies, irises, and daisies. And mums really add a lot of fall color.

A little shrub rose would look nice too.

You might too want to ask for money so you can buy seeds or annual plants for next year to add to the garden in the spring. If it is a really sunny place, throw some moss rose seeds near the front. This is a type of plant that reseeds itself every year too. Allysum is another fine border plant.

Another thing you are going to have to consider too is who is going to take care of your garden once you are finished. Who will water it? Who will weed it the next year? See if someone will help you out there from the congregation membership. Remember, everyone has certain "gifts" given to them in a church, and there are people in your church who were blessed with green thumbs.

Good luck! A great idea for an Eagle Scout project!
Reply:Need to know where the church is and information about the garden location, full sun, shade or partial sun.

Creeping Juniper is a wonderful ground cover that you could use if you have enough area. To solicit donations for your garden ask members to donate the cost of a plant or bush or shrub in memory of a loved one who has gone on to their reward. Set the donation at an amount so that a durable marker may acknowledge the donation and in whose memory.

As for as plants that bloom year around I believe that it will have to be a variety of different and hardy plants. I suggest you consider Mexican Petunias, but even then they won't bloom year around. They are classified as an invasive species so they have to be controlled but the Butterflies and bees love them. I grow them in large clay pots to keep them from getting out of control.

Reply:Herbes grow good try them.
Reply:roses are good you could go by their names or just colour, gardenias, Radicans are a small growing variety
Reply:A Yahoo search for "memory gardens" (include the quotation marks in the search box) yields 406,000 results. If you do the same search, and are willing to spend a little time exploring, I'm sure that you will quickly find the information you seek. Lots of pictures and things to look at and consider.

I like the idea of an herb garden. Allow church members to take samples and start their own herb gardens at home. Be careful with invasive herbs like mint. Do a Yahoo search for "herb gardening" for lots of ideas. This will also be less expensive than most other types of gardens and will require less upkeep.

Good luck with your project.
Reply:White lillies are favourite, with miniature conifers.
Reply:What about the church? Would they be willing to hold a coffee morning or some other event to raise money for your splendid idea?

As you are a scout you could raise some funds by cleaning a few cars of people you know.

If you decide on the herb garden then u must get a bay tree, they are an evergreen and they smell wonderful. Carmelia's flower early and are beautiful with an abundance of flowers.

Good luck!!!!!

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